Prepare Your Car for the Changing Seasons with These Autumn Car Care Tips

Prepare Your Car for the Changing Seasons with These Autumn Car Care Tips

As the temperatures start to cool and the leaves begin to change colour, it's time to start thinking about preparing your vehicle for the cooler months ahead. Just as you would adjust your wardrobe for the changing seasons, it's important to make a few changes to your car to ensure that it can safely handle whatever Mother Nature throws its way. From checking your tires to changing your wiper blades, here are a few fall car care tips that every driver should follow.

Check Your Tires

As the temperatures start to drop, so does the air pressure in your tires. That's why it's important to regularly check your tire pressure and inflate them as needed throughout the fall and winter months. Not only will this help improve your gas mileage, but it will also help keep you safe on the road. Be sure to check your tire tread depth and replace your tires if they are balding, as fall brings wet leaves and colder roads, which can be dangerous for balding tires.

Change Your Windshield Wiper Blades

As the leaves begin to fall, they can clog up your windshield wipers and prevent them from doing their job properly. Replace your windshield wiper blades at least once a year, and consider upgrading to winter-specific blades that are designed to withstand ice and snow.

Check Your Coolant Levels

It's important to keep an eye on your coolant levels throughout the fall and winter months, as low coolant levels can lead to engine freezing. If you're unsure of how to check your coolant levels or don't feel comfortable doing so, stop by and have one of our certified technicians take care of it for you.

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your vehicle is ready to take on whatever Mother Nature has in store this fall and winter. Contact us today for more car care tips or to schedule a service appointment.