COVID-19 Measures

COVID-19 Measures

To our Valued Guests,

At Belleville Toyota the health and well-being of our guests and team members is our
first priority and we have taken many steps internally to ensure we maintain a healthy
environment for all.

We actively monitor the recommendations by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and
adjust our protocols in accordance with these recommendations. We have regular
communication with our team members on this protocol to ensure that every one of our team
members is operating in a manner that supports the health and well-being of all. Some of the
steps we have implemented include:
• We have altered our service shuttle operation to support social distancing recommendations
• We are no longer accepting cash from our guests
• Although our premises are cleaned daily, we have increased the frequency of disinfecting all
high traffic and high-touch areas
• All team members have been encouraged to monitor their health situation more closely and
have been instructed to stay home if they are not feeling well
• Team members have received clear protocols to wash their hands regularly along with other
good hygiene practices
• We have placed hand sanitizer throughout our building for easy access to everyone
Although masks are no longer required in indoor settings, we remain a mask-friendly
environment and guests should feel comfortable wearing a mask should they choose to do so.

Our team members are required to wear a mask, and it is recommended that our guests wear a
mask, when one of the following occurs:
- Team member is on a test drive with a guest
- Team member is completing a vehicle delivery with a guest
- Team member is operating the shuttle vehicle with guests in the shuttle
- Team member is required to wear a mask according to current Public Health Guidelines

We want our guests to feel confident that we have taken the necessary steps to ensure a safe
and healthy environment for them when they visit us. In order to ensure that we all work
together to limit the transmission of this virus, we would ask that any of our guests who are
currently experiencing flu-like symptoms refrain from visiting one of our locations. Our team will
gladly rebook any appointment you have with our dealership for a time when you are feeling

We thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to serving you the next time you visit us.
Belleville Toyota Management Team

48 Millennium Parkway, Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5
Phone (613) 968-4538 Fax (613) 968-6211